Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The revolutionary new Quneo and how it compares to the Tactilemusic-pad

The Quneo is another amazing new hardware midi controller device that was developed from funding. It has many of the features we have been looking for in our tactilemusic-pad device. It is very innovative and also falls within a reasonable price of $199 usd at Best way to realize what the Quneo is and what it can do is view the video that shows just how amazing and flexible the Quneo really is as seen here:
I was very impressed with this device. On It positive sides I like it's physical size and shape that makes it perfect as a drum machine input but goes far beyond just that. It's most important feature I feel is that it's multi-touch pressure sensitive that is setup to not only control velocity midi data but also aftertouch and other parts of the midi data stream. It also has feed back of lights under the keys that are used in multiple ways in different modes of it's operation. Also what I like to see here is that there is a market for these type of devices in this price range in the general market as they managed to raise 10 times there goal of funds on at over $165,000usd and continue to sell on today. As far as a comparison of this device and what we look forward to from the tactilemusic-pad. As the tactilemusic-pad is fully programmable with X Y touch resolution far exceeding the number of buttons available on the Quneo, it could be touch map configured much in the same way as a Quneo and in theory could emulate and perform much in the same way if someone choose to add software support to emulate a Quneo using a tactilemusic-pad. Without a doubt the tactilemusic-pad could be configured as a drum machine input device and that might be a configuration that becomes the most popular for all we know. But the tactilemusic-pad will never have the keyboard light feedback that the Quneo has so I don't think the tactilemusic-pad will entirely replace the functionality of a Quneo. Also the Quneo has some cool software support already around it and fully functional today that we as yet don't presently have for the tactilemusic-pad, but we will. But I still feel that the tactilemusic-pad has the ability to be much more flexible than the Quneo as it's completely software dependent on how it can be configured to be used and how a touch is programed to respond with much more X and Y resolution. As the the tactilemusic-pad could emulate a Quneo, a Quneo could never emulate the features of the tactilemusic-pad or instruments like the Continuum as the tactilemusic-pad could. Also I feel the hardware production cost of tactilemusic-pad would be less with fewer and no moving parts. The tactilemusic-pad is much more than just a drum machine like input device. I feel the tactilemusic-pad will join in with the Quneo to also be a part of next generation of musical input devices.

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